The Rex rabbit has a commercial-sized body type and can weigh anywhere between 7.5 and 10.5 lbs. once fully grown. The ideal weight for bucks is around 8 pounds and 9 pounds for does. They have a unique gene which gives its coat a velvety texture. The coat is extremely dense, and the hair’s length and quality uniform all across the body. They make wonderful pets, but can also be used as meat rabbits.
I am working towards full pedigrees for my rabbits but am working with partials right now. My main focus is tri-colors, magpies, and harlequins.
We added Rex Rabbits to our farm in the Spring of 2022 in the hopes of processing meat for our family as well as our dogs. We do have kits available often.
Booted Dilute Tri
Born 4/6/23
Carries Chin and maybe chocolate
Parents: Booted Tri and Blue Fawn Harlequin
Magpie Buck
Born 10/7/23
Parents: Booted Tri and Broken Castor
Booted Tri
Carries dilute and chin
Broken Black Magpie Doe
Born 1/7/23
Carries dilute
Parents: Booted Tri and Broken Castor
Chocolate Otter Doe
Could carry dilute
Parents: Black Otters
Black Sallandar Doe
Born 6/28/23
Should carry chocolate and dilute
Parents: Black Sallander and Lilac Sallander
Broken Magpie Doe
Born 11/27/23
Parents: Broken Black Magpie and Booted Dilute Tri
Chocolate Tri Buck
Born 10/31/2023
Carries dilute
Parents: Torted B/O Harlequin and Tricolor
Ginger X Smudge
Born 2/29/24
Could carry chin and dilute
Parents: Booted Tri and Broken Castor
Cocoa X Cheeto
Born 3/22/24
Will carry chocolate and dilute; possibly chin
Parents: Chocolate Otter and Booted Dilute Tri
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