Kune Kune pigs are a smart option for small farms. Kunekune means “fat and round” in the Maori language. These tasseled, sweet-tempered, medium-sized pigs hail from New Zealand. Females average 100 to 175 pounds, while males can reach the 200 to 250-plus range. They have short, upturned snouts that discourage rooting, and they do not challenge fences. Kunekunes are grazing pigs and are able to grow on low inputs, making them an ideal breed during periods of escalating grain prices. Gourmet chefs in Los Angeles have declared Kunekune pork outstanding.
We decided to add KuneKunes to our farm in the Winter of 2022. Our goal is to raise our own pork as well as offer some adorable piglets for sale from time to time!
AKKPS Boar - 30972
Tri (B)
2 Wattles
COI: 10.5%
AKKPS Boar - 30189
2 Wattles
COI: 4.2%
AKKPS Gilt - 29335
2 Wattles
COI: 3.0%
AKKPS Gilt - 29332
2 Wattles
COI: 1.9%
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